Bus Trip a Success

October 19, 2018

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Legislative Report

#Listrak\DateStampLong#   The latest news from the State Capitol

Bus Trip a Success
This week, I hosted my annual State Capitol Bus Trip to Harrisburg. Visitors from the 57th District toured the Capitol, observed legislative session and were introduced on the floor by the Speaker. They also made a stop Hershey’s Chocolate World. If you haven’t attended this trip before, I hope you can join us next year.

Shredding Event Set for Monday, Oct. 22
As a free service to the community, I am hosting a shredding event to give residents of the 57th Legislative District a chance to safeguard themselves against identity theft by having their personal documents securely destroyed.

The event will be held on Monday, Oct. 22, from 4-6 p.m., at the North Hempfield Volunteer Fire Department, 145 Old State Route 66, Greensburg.

No more than four bags or boxes per household are permitted, and no businesses, please. Examples of items you may want to bring include bank and credit card statements, tax documents, insurance claim forms and anything that lists a Social Security number. Staples, paper clips and manila folders are acceptable. The documents received are securely shredded by a truck on-site and then taken to a local paper recycling plant to be treated and reused.

(Please note that this event may be cancelled by the shredding company should inclement weather be forecasted during the scheduled event times. Feel free to call my office at 724-834-6400 on the day of the event should you have any questions.)

Final Coffee Talk with Rep. Nelson
On Thursday, Oct. 25, I will be hosting my final coffee talk for the fall to dialogue on state-related issues.

It will be held from 8-10 a.m., at Stanton Daily Grind, 818 Route 119 North, New Stanton.

Please call my district office at 724-834-6400 to register. Light refreshments will be served.

Prescription Drug Coverage Expansion to Cover 17,000 More Seniors
Legislation to expand eligibility for the state’s PACENET prescription drug coverage program passed the House last week and the state Senate this week. It has been sent to the governor for his review. Up to 17,000 Pennsylvania seniors are expected to benefit from this expansion.

House Bill 270 would increase the annual maximum income limits in the PACENET program to $27,500 for a single person and to $35,500 for a married couple. Current maximum income requirements for the PACENET program, which covers those individuals with incomes exceeding PACE maximums, are $23,500 for a single individual and $31,500 for a married couple annually.

Additionally, the bill would allow two new pharmacy-based programs to be developed under the PACE program to assist seniors in monitoring their prescription drug usage.

This eligibility expansion would be the first since 2004, and it is funded by proceeds from the Pennsylvania Lottery.

PennDOT Improves Customer Care Website
To make it easier to report concerns on state roads, PennDOT has modernized its online customer care center.

The new website will include new mapping capabilities, optional photo uploads and a mobile-friendly interface.

Concerns are sorted into several categories: road or bridge conditions; removing debris from a roadway; traffic, signs or signals; ongoing roadwork or projects; or general questions and concerns.

Motorists are asked to be as specific as possible when providing locations of concerns. Motorists should report the county, municipality, street name and state route number, which can be found on small black and white signs posted along state highways. In addition, a description of any familiar landmarks are helpful for PennDOT to locate the problem area.

As of Sept. 30, the previous Customer Care Center had nearly 45,000 concerns submitted this year, according to PennDOT, with more than 96 percent of those concerns being resolved.
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101 Ehalt Street, Suite 105, The Train Station, Greensburg, PA 15601-2300 | Phone: (724) 834-6400
Youngwood Borough Bldg, 17 South 6th Street, Youngwood, PA 15697 | Phone: (724) 925-5490                                  
117B East Wing, House Box 202057, Harrisburg, PA 17120-2057 | Phone: (717) 260-6146
Email: mailto:enelson@pahousegop.com
TTY: 855-282-0614 

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