Nelson Votes in Favor of Final Budget
HARRISBURG – Rep. Eric Nelson (R-Hempfield) issued the following statement in response to the House on Tuesday approving a $33.997 billion Fiscal Year 2019-20 state budget:
“Thanks to changes in national policies by President Donald Trump and hard work by the Pennsylvania General Assembly, we again were able to pass a state budget with no tax or fee increases. While Pennsylvania is benefiting from a strong economy, we are taking steps to be prepared in case of a downturn by placing the entire General Fund balance at the close of the 2018-19 Fiscal Year in the Rainy Day Fund. This is expected to total more than $250 million.
“Even with this prudent step, we have increased prekindergarten through 12th-grade education by $432 million. In addition, our career and technical schools are receiving an additional $10 million, which will help prepare our young people for family-sustaining jobs available today. Our state higher education institutions and community colleges will see a 2% increase. We also successfully prevented the governor from imposing a fee on those living in a municipality that relies exclusively on state police protection.
“While this is all good news, I remain concerned that the governor has used supplementals to spend beyond previously agreed-to plans. This spending, regardless of the parameters and guidelines outlined in law, needs to stop. I am committed to working with my like-minded colleagues in the coming months to prevent this practice from continuing.”
For more information on the 2019-20 state budget, go to
The 57th Legislative District includes the following Westmoreland County communities: the city of Greensburg; the townships of Hempfield (part) and Salem; and the boroughs of Delmont, Hunker, New Stanton, South Greensburg, Southwest Greensburg and Youngwood.
Representative Eric Nelson
57th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Tracy Polovick
717.260.6358 /